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有机玻璃 的作品 > 我的作品集> 机玻璃制作加工

2008/10/22 11:17:13 0条 / 点击:255次
在与时俱进、 开拓进取的今天,深圳市鹏祥隆工艺制品有限公司以诚信为本、严格管理、以特色求发展 ,产品一流, 依靠自身强大的竞争优势,在同行业中脱颖而出,立于不败之地。本厂规模庞大,是一家专业生产有机玻璃制作加工,各类礼品陈列架 ( 资料架 、 水晶架 、 化妆品架等 ), 展示柜,各种牌类 ( 经销牌、物业指示牌、奖牌、科室牌、 胸牌 ), 喷砂、热弯 、雕刻、粘接、丝网印刷、四色网点丝印等的厂家,产品远销东南亚,欧美等国,深受广大客商的喜爱。
  With the development and progress of the times, Shenzhen PXL Arts & Crafts Co.,Ltd. is now is now full of vigor and vitality, playing an increasingly important role in the industry with the strict management, first-class product and powerful competitive edge as well. For many years' development, this factory has grown into a large one and its products and service cover: organic glass, hardware, ratten ware, wooden ware, manufacturing and processing, various gift shelves (including for material, crystal and cosmetic, etc), showcase, distribution card, real-estate sign, medal, department nameplate, indentification card, sand blasting, hot melting, carving, screen printing and 4-color printing, which have been available in Southeast Asia, Europe and Ameriaca and gained great popularity among the customers.

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